Esperienze Professionali:
Docente nel 2016 nel Corso di Aggiornamento Universitario di Implantoprotesi presso l’Università degli Studi G. D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara e presso l’Università degli Studi di Bologna.
È stato docente del corso annuale di Parodontologia “Approccio multidisciplinare al paziente parodontale” per Igienisti Dentali.
Docente dal 2005 presso il suo studio di vari Corsi Teorico Pratici tra cui l’Annuale di Implantoprotesi, il Monotematico “Sinus Lift Protocol, e “Riabilitazione Implantoprotesica degli Incisivi”, nonché del Corso di Implantologia per Assistenti alla poltrona.
Nel 2013 responsabile della Divisione di Implantologia presso l’INI di Grottaferrata (RM).
Ha frequentato nel 1999 il Misch Implant Institute di Birmingham (Michigan), e dal 1997 numerosi corsi di aggiornamento in Italia e all’estero in tema di Chirurgia Parodontale e Implantare nonchè di Estetica su Denti Naturali e Impianti.
Relatore a congressi nazionali e autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche in campo parodontale e implantare, referente scientifico di varie case implantari.
Socio Attivo dell’ Italian Academy of Osseointegration IAO e parte dell’Education Group.
Socio Attivo della Digital Implant Restorative Academy DI&RA in cui è Tesoriere per il bienno 2020-2021
Membro del Massironi Study Club.
Svolge la propria attività presso il suo studio di Roma occupandosi di Parodontologia, Implantologia e Protesi.
He graduated in 1997 with honors in Dentistry at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, has Improved in 2000 in Oral Implantology at the same University. From 2000 to 2003 he was a consultant at the Emergency Relief of Dental University Hospital of Tor Vergata, Rome. From 1998 to 2003 he carried out clinical and scientific research at the Department of Periodontology and Odontostomatology Clinic of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Matter Expert in Periodontology from 1999 to 2003, played supplementary teaching activities for the Degree Course in Dentistry and Master of Science in Dental Hygiene at the Tor Vergata University, Rome. Professor of Periodontology and Oral Anatomy in 2002 and 2003 in the course for Dental Assistant at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Lecturer in 2016 in Implantoprotesi University Master at the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara and at the University of Bologna.
He taught the annual course of Periodontology ‘Multidisciplinary approach to the periodontal patient’ for Dental Hygienists. Professor since 2005 at his studio Course Annual Theoretical and Practical Course Implantoprotesi Monothematic ‘Sinus Lift Protocol, as well as the new Implantology Course for Assistants to the chair. In 2013 in charge of the Division of Implantology at the INI of Grottaferrata (RM).
He attended in 1999 the Misch Implant Institute in Birmingham (Michigan), and since 1997 a number of training courses in Italy and abroad in the field of Periodontal and Implant Surgery as well as of Aesthetics of Natural Teeth and Equipment. Speaker at national conferences and author of scientific publications in the field of periodontal and implant, scientific advisor of various implant homes. He edited the Italian edition of the book ‘Dental Radiology Principles and Interpretation’ of White and Pharoah.
active member of the Italian Society Implantology Osseointegrated SIO, SICOI ordinary member, and a member of the Italian section of the ITI, and Massironi Study Club.
He does business at his studio in Rome dealing with Periodontics, Implantology and Prosthetics.